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I am a retired EAL teacher. My resources are being produced as a result of need identified while teaching a wide range of EAL students.




I am a retired EAL teacher. My resources are being produced as a result of need identified while teaching a wide range of EAL students.
Body Parts for EAL /ESL / ELL / EFL / ESOL / ELD

Body Parts for EAL /ESL / ELL / EFL / ESOL / ELD

This body parts resource provides a variety of fun ways to teach and reinforce body parts vocabulary using the four skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. The Read and Say page at the beginning can be used as a reference page, allowing students to successfully complete tasks independently if vocabulary is unknown. The following words are introduced in this resource. eye, mouth, nose, ear, tongue, hand, head, teeth, arm, leg, foot, toes, nails, shoulders, tummy, hair, finger and thumb. Included in this resource are:- • Read and Say Reference Page • Picture and word matching cards • Body part dominoes – words and pictures • I have…. Who has….? Game • Match the words to the pictures • Cut and stick • Word searches and solutions • Write the words beside the pictures • True or false • Label the body parts • Bingo base boards and call out cards
Spanish house vocabulary picture and word dominoes

Spanish house vocabulary picture and word dominoes

This dominoes game is a fun way of learning some Spanish house vocabulary. The Spanish vocabulary used in this game is: fridge, bowl, sink, kettle, saucepan, table, eggs, plates, cooker, washing machine radiator, clock, television ,rug , radio, telephone, plant, bookcase, cushion, chair sponge, bath, towel, shower, soap, bath, toothbrush, water, wash basin, toilet window, bear, pillow, bed, clothes, brush, pictures, light, mirror, chest of drawers This dominoes game could also be used as a picture word matching activity by cutting the dominoes in half.
First English Words for Initial Learners

First English Words for Initial Learners

First English Words is very useful for all students and particularly beneficial for students who are new to English. It is also suitable for use with a wide age range. The pages provide a collection of vocabulary arranged under a variety of topics so that items can be easily located. Through the use of visuals, students are able to easily gain understanding and the ability to spell the words contained in the resource. The topics covered are:- days, months, seasons, numbers, colours, weather, alphabet, school, body parts, clothes, transport, food and drinks, animals, occupations, emotions, prepositions, multiplication tables, shapes, time The pages can be photocopied back to back, laminated and made into a booklet , so that it can be used for reference over and over again.
House Vocabulary Game

House Vocabulary Game

This House Vocabulary Game is a particular favourite with both native English speakers and students learning English. In my experience, young students become very keen and enthusiastic about being the first to complete their base cards with the appropriate items belonging to their particular part of the house. Older students at the initial / emergent stage of learning English would also benefit from using this resource. There are opportunities for speaking, listening and reading. The game is for 2 – 6 players and is easy to play. Each player is given a base board. The small cards are placed in the middle of the table face down. Players take turns at lifting a card, naming the item then placing it on their base board if it belongs in their part of the house. If it doesn’t, the player then replaces the card in the centre of the table face down. The winner is the first to complete his / her card. Luck and memory are involved in success so the winner isn’t always the most able student. This could be one reason for this type of game being so popular. The base boards and cards have colour coordinated borders to aid with identification. The house scenes and items used are listed below. Kitchen kettle, cooker, sink, cooker, fridge, vacuum, iron, ironing board, washing machine Living Room coffee table, settee, lamp, armchair, rug, television, plant, clock, bookshelves Bathroom toilet, basin, bath, shower, toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, shampoo Bedroom bed, wardrobe, chest of drawers, dressing table, mirror, alarm clock, lamp, bunk beds, cot Garden lawnmower, tree, watering can, spade, gloves, wheelbarrow, rake, bucket, fork Garage tool box, gardening tools, paint pots, bicycle, broom, workbench, car, oilcan, tyre Included with this game are picture and word cards for learning the vocabulary used in the game. The cards can be used as a snap game (saying the names of items and reading the words as they are placed on the table) or as an individual or group matching activity
Verbs - Present, Past and Past Participle

Verbs - Present, Past and Past Participle

Game (2-6 players) The aim of the game is to get the most sets of verbs. (A set consists of the present, past and past participle of one verb.) Mix the cards. Each player is dealt 9 cards and the remaining cards are placed face down in a pile in the middle of the table. The top card is turned face up and placed beside the pile on the table. Players look at their cards. If they have a set, they place that on the table. (This counts as 1 point) The player(s) then draw cards to make up 9 cards in their hands. The person on the left of the dealer starts, he/she can either pick the card that is turned over or take the top card. He/She then has to discard, so that he he/she always has 9 cards. If the player can make a set of 3 cards, he places the set on the table.(As soon as a player thinks he/she has a set, it is suggested that players show their sets to other players to ensure that the set has the correct verbs.) He/she must then draw cards from the pile to maintain 9 in his/her hand. Continue play until the pack on the table has been used. Then turn the pack over and start using the cards again. When all cards have been used from the table, players then take turns to select an unseen card from the player on their left. This continues until all sets of verbs has been made. The winner is the player with the most points or sets.
Present and Irregular Past Tense Playing Cards for EAL/ESL/ELL/EFL

Present and Irregular Past Tense Playing Cards for EAL/ESL/ELL/EFL

These cards provide fun ways for EAL/ESL/ELL/ EFL students to learn / reinforce the correct form of irregular verbs. The preview provides ideas for games and use. In game 2, there is a choice of the winning card suitable for use with a wide age range. They are , a trophy, a chequered flag, a young boy, spider man, superman, batman, a bottle of champagne and a glass of beer. The last two have been included for use with adults. These games are suitable for use with all students.
EAL/ ESL/ EFL/ ELD / ELL Irregular verbs present and past tense bingo

EAL/ ESL/ EFL/ ELD / ELL Irregular verbs present and past tense bingo

Laminating the boards is recommended for long term use. This Bingo game has 12 cards, 6 are coloured and 6 are white. There are 18 words on each card. The coloured cards have the past tense words and the white cards have the present tense words. Game 1 for 6 players Each player is given a coloured card. The white cards are cut up to make individual words and are used as call out cards. Someone reads out the present tense words. The first player to indicate he/ she has the past tense of that word is given the card which is placed on the board. This continues until, the first player to have a full board is the winner. Game 2 for 6 players Each player is given a white card. The coloured cards are cut up to make individual words and are used as call out cards. Someone reads out the past tense words. The first player to indicate he/ she has the present tense of that word, is given the card which is placed on the board. This continues until, the first player to have a full board is the winner. Activities for individuals Students can be given individual coloured past tense cards and the corresponding cut up white cards and are then asked to match present with past. or Students can be given individual white present tense cards and the corresponding cut up coloured cards and are then asked to match past with present. If a Bingo game is required for 12 players, the boards could be cut in half, giving each player 9 words.
Reading and Writing Activity - Lost and Found

Reading and Writing Activity - Lost and Found

This is an engaging, deductive activity resulting in finding and matching the lost children with their descriptions. It is suitable for use with children who have the basics of reading with understanding in English. It involves reading the descriptions of twelve children and recording the identities on a worksheet. An answer sheet is included for use by teachers or to provide the opportunity for peer marking. Clothes and colour reference pages are also available for use to aid comprehension if vocabulary is unknown. This is of particular value to children who have English as an additional language. Clothes and accessories picture and word matching cards are included and could be used prior to taking part in the deductive activity to ensure familiarisation with the vocabulary to be used. Reading, writing and deductive skills are required for the worksheet completion. If the activity is done as pair work or group work, speaking, listening and interaction are also involved. This activity is suitable for use by all Primary 2 / Primary3 children. If children have English as an additional language, using the activity with older children would also be beneficial for the learning /consolidation of English clothes and colour vocabulary. This resource could be used by an individual, as pair work, group work or by all children who could complete individual worksheets. The total number of twelve illustrations of children and twelve find cards would always have to be provided for the worksheet completion as twelve answers are required.. If using as a class activity more duplicated illustrations and find cards would need to be provided. Suggestions for use • The illustrations of the children could be secretly hidden in the classroom. (while the children are outside) The children could each be given a find card and then play ‘Hunt the lost children’ . • The illustrations could be pinned on walls around the classroom. • Single illustrations could be given to each child who would then swop with another child who has a different illustration. An optional follow up activity could be individual pupils writing a description of one class member. The descriptions could then be redistributed randomly to the class for identification by other class members. A worksheet is included for use.
Occupations - Games and Activities

Occupations - Games and Activities

Research shows, students need multiple and various exposures to a word before they fully understand that word and can apply it. This occupations resource provides a variety of different games and activities for exposing students to the vocabulary associated with the names of some occupations plus some associated vocabulary. The occupations and associated vocabulary used are:- Teacher – desk, whiteboard, pen, computer, printer, book Baker – bowl, bread, spoon, oven, cake, rolling pin Joiner – hammer, nail, saw, toolbox, wood, screwdriver Doctor – stethoscope, thermometer, bed, syringe, pills, hospital Farmer – barn, milk churn, tractor, cow, horse, sheep Firefighter - smoke, ladder, hose, fire extinguisher, axe, boots Gardener – watering can, plant pot, rake, wheelbarrow, lawnmower, spade Hairdresser – hairbrush, comb, hairdryer, scissors, mirror, shampoo This is a useful resource for extending English vocabulary in a fun way. If you are a mainstream teacher and have one or more English as an Additional Language students in your class, he/ she/ they will have a range of educational experience, language proficiency, and academic competence. Finding the time to create lessons that meet all their needs, along with the needs of the mainstream students and students with learning difficulties, you also probably have in your class, can be overwhelming and very time-consuming. The occupation games/activities are fun and of educational value. The games can be played with native English speakers or supervised by classroom assistants, thus freeing up additional teaching time for the mainstream students.
UK money games and activities

UK money games and activities

This resource is suitable for use with students who are learning the addition of UK coins up to £1.00. This includes native English speakers and students who are new to English and the sterling currency. These games could be used by younger students who are quick to finish given tasks or as alternative interesting fun ways of practising counting money accurately. Playing games is particularly helpful for new arrivals who have very little English, as it encourages peer interaction where much language can be learned. Older/Adult English as an Additional Language students who have recently arrived in the UK would also benefit from using this resource, as being able to accurately count coins while shopping is helpful. The games are engaging and provide fun ways to teach and reinforce the addition of values up to and including £1.00. .All pages should be printed and laminated for durability. There are three games in this resource 1. I have.. Who has..?. (36 cards) A teacher checklist is provided for the I have.. Who has..? game so that the teacher can ensure that the students are adding the money accurately. 2. Balance the scales (4 games) (15 amounts of money to be counted in each game) The scales, cards and answer sheets are colour co – ordinated. This game can be used as an individual activity or 2 or 3 players. If more than one player is playing turns can be taken to check if the answer is correct. Points can be allocated to individuals for each correct answer. The winner will be the player with the most points. A piece of paper with the students names is needed for recording the points. 3. Money Matching (6 games) Answer sheets and student results sheets are included. Students colour one star for each correct answer. Only the money matching cards should be cut out. The game boards and matching cards are colour co – ordinated. All the money matching answers are in black but can be identified by the game number in the top right hand corner of the sheet. Full instructions for playing the games are included in the resource.
Verbs - worksheets and games

Verbs - worksheets and games

Verbs Worksheets and Games provides an introduction to four of the English tenses – Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple and Past Continuous. A reference page with visual support has been provided to aid comprehension. The verbs used are:- run, write, sing, dance, sleep, read, eat, drink, play and paint. The information provided is :- • Verb ‘to be’ present and past tenses • When to use the tenses • Spelling rules • Pronouns and use of ‘s’ or ‘es’ in present simple third person singular The games/activities included are :- • Verb Dominoes- picture and words • Verb Picture and word matching cards • Verb Bingo There is a wide range of worksheets, including cut and stick, crossword and word search. Some answers are provided.
Technology for Young Children

Technology for Young Children

This technology resource could be just what you are looking for if you are teaching technology to young children. Due to popular request, the resource includes technology worksheets, activities and games designed for use with young children. The vocabulary used: Keyboard, monitor, mouse, tower, printer microphone, speakers, USB stick, CD rom, plug, socket, laptop, Mp3, player, camera, calculator, mobile phone, smart board
Farm vocabulary Games, Worksheets and Activities

Farm vocabulary Games, Worksheets and Activities

Are you doing a class topic on farms or just wanting to increase English vocabulary? The worksheets, activities and games in this resource provide fun ways of introducing and reinforcing vocabulary in a variety of ways. After students have learned to identify and name the targeted vocabulary, the look and say reference pages enable students to work independently when completing worksheets and activities and while participating in the games. Opportunities for improving the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing are available. This resource is printable and can be used within the purchasing institution.
Musical Instruments for EAL /ESL/ ELL

Musical Instruments for EAL /ESL/ ELL

This printable resource Musical Instruments provides a range of worksheets activities and games for teaching and reinforcing the vocabulary of 20 musical instruments through listening, speaking, reading and writing. The resource also includes learning and recording a few facts about some musical instruments. The resource has picture and word matching cards, dominoes, I have… Who has? game, cut and stick, word searches, information cards, true and false and chart completion by identifying and extracting the relevant details from the information cards. Laminating is recommended for durability of the games and information cards . If the information cards are separated and given to individual students, this will encourage speaking in English and interaction with other students who will need to see all the cards for completion of each of the True or False worksheets. A few questions could be suggested for students to use when locating the required information cards. The following are a few examples of what could be written on a white board so that students could have support while asking for/locating cards. Who has the ________ card? Do you have the _______ card? May I have the __________ card please? Can I have the __________ card please? Are you finished with the ___________ card? Would you pass me the ________ card please. or I’m looking for the __________ . I need the ___________.
Transport Vocabulary Building Resources for EAL / ES L/ ELL

Transport Vocabulary Building Resources for EAL / ES L/ ELL

This resource provides fun ways of learning the English vocabulary of transport. The reference page provides support to students when completing activities, worksheets or playing the games. This enables students to work independently, achieve success and build confidence. Vocabulary car, bicycle / bike, van, caravan, helicopter, rowing boat, ship, aeroplane, scooter, rocket, bus, ambulance, train, lorry, tricycle, submarine, hot air balloon, raft, fire engine, police car, motor bike, kayak, quad, parachute, hang glider, surf board, motor boat Here is the Contents Page CONTENTS – TRANSPORT Page Transport Reference Page 1 Picture and Word Matching Cards 2 – 8 Picture and Word Dominoes 9 – 15 I have ….. Who has…..? Cards 16 – 20 Cut and Stick Worksheets 21 – 24 Bingo Call Out Cards 25 – 26 Eight Bingo Base Cards 27 – 30 Word Searches 31 – 32 Match the Words to Pictures Worksheets 33 – 37 Crosswords 38 – 41 Car Part Dictionary Work 42
Pesent Tense Verbs 70+ ( Present Simple and Present Continuous)

Pesent Tense Verbs 70+ ( Present Simple and Present Continuous)

It is much easier to explain the meanings of English verb vocabulary by using visual support and less time consuming for students if they don’t have to constantly make reference to a home language dictionary. Over 70 verbs are introduced in reference pages which have pictures with words. These pages can be used when completing the worksheets if verbs are unknown. The verbs include: arrange, bang, bark, brush, carry, chop, comb, cover, crack, dive, drag, drop, fasten, fill, fish, gather, glue, hammer, hug, juggle, laugh, lick, listen, measure, open, wash, paint, post, pour, prick, shampoo, snore, sneeze, spill, spray, stir, water, wave, wipe, whisper, yawn ,bend, blow, buy, cut, drink, eat, feed, ring, sing, slide, swing, write give ,hold, light The verbs in the reference pages are presented in the present tense. The main focus is on increasing verb vocabulary and forming present simple and present continuous. There are worksheets with visual support and sentences to be completed with the appropriate verbs. Optional booklet covers are also included. Worksheets are available in either colour or black only. There is also a present tense I have…. Who has…? Game available in the EALEE shop. (71 cards) This game is included in the 70+ Verb collection resource for past simple and past continuous. This game is suitable for reinforcing the same verbs used in this resource.
EAL/ESL Pets and their Homes

EAL/ESL Pets and their Homes

In ‘Pets and their Homes’ there is a focus on helping pupils to learn and retain the associated vocabulary. At the beginning, there are pictures with the names of pets/homes written underneath so that pupils can refer to this when completing tasks, if vocabulary is unknown. The photocopiable / printable booklet offers a range of worksheets, activities and games to reinforce the targeted vocabulary. These include matching words to pictures (with the use of reference pages if required), cut and stick, sentence completion, writing a simple sentence to answer a question and following instructions to colour pets. All resources are supported by visuals which make it a very useful tool for EAL/ ESL/ pupils, or indeed native English speakers who are not secure in the targeted vocabulary. The selection of worksheets is suitable for children of different academic abilities. The games are Bingo, Dominoes and I have… Who has…? game and a board game. A set of the dominoes pieces could be cut in half and used for playing snap or matching words to pictures. This booklet provides supplementary material for a class doing a topic on pets or it could be used alone to teach some vocabulary associated with pets. The vocabulary building worksheets provide opportunities for EAL/ESL pupils to develop reading and writing skills, experience success and build the confidence essential for learning a new language. The games give pupils the chance to develop listening and speaking skills and encourage integration with peers. For maximum benefit to pupils when playing games,, pets/ homes on the cards should be named when they are placed on the table. Other players can then help if vocabulary is unknown. Most pages have a self- assessment facility i.e. colouring a star a particular colour depending on how well the pupils thought they had done. The vocabulary included is:- horse, cat, dog, fish, budgie, lizard, hamster, guinea pig, rabbit, stable, basket, kennel, tank, bird cage, aquarium, hamster cage, guinea pig cage, hutch, bone, whiskers, mirror, wheel, a big tank and wheel. There is a chart towards the end of the booklet for doing a class survey about pets and a page of miniature pets to be stuck on to make up the bar chart plus a survey results page to be completed by pupils when all the information has been collected.
Scotland Information and Worksheets for EAL/ESL/ELL/ELD

Scotland Information and Worksheets for EAL/ESL/ELL/ELD

This photocopiable /printable booklet provides general information about Scotland, Scottish people and Scottish culture. It is suitable for use with students who are learning English and who have reached the emergent/consolidating stage. The content of the information section, could prove to be interesting and useful for new arrivals to Scotland, as it combines some geographical and historical details with current facts. It could also be a useful source of information for native English speakers when doing a project on Scotland. At the beginning, the booklet contains a Map of Scotland and general information. Some further details about the following are also included: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Scottish People, National Emblems / Symbols / Flags, Dancing, Religion, Currency, Food and Drinks, Some Animals and Birds you might see in Scotland, Famous People, Famous Songs, Famous Actors, Famous Singers, Scottish Television Chefs, Famous Scottish People, Famous Scottish Sports’ people, Famous Authors, The Scottish Government, Special Days, Sports in Scotland, Airports, Scottish Counties Map, Region Map of Scotland, 2 Project Book Front Covers (Piper and Flags) The worksheets included are in the form of 4 quizzes, 3 true or false worksheets (with answers) and 6 cloze exercises.
Carpenter / Joiner Vocabulary Activities and Worksheets

Carpenter / Joiner Vocabulary Activities and Worksheets

This resource has been designed for use with carpenters / joiners who are learning English as an Additional Language and are planning to work in an English speaking country or who are already employed in an English speaking country. The subject specific vocabulary is presented in a variety of ways , offering many different opportunities to allow students to familiarise themselves and learn, in a fun way, some vocabulary related to their trade. There are 90 photographs of tools and other items associated with the trade. Activities include - Picture and Word Matching,2 sets of Dominoes, I have... Who has...? Game and Bingo (13 base boards) with call out cards. There are also some Write the Word worksheets and 6 pages of reference sheets that enable students to work independently. There are opportunities for speaking, listening, reading and writing, with the main focus on speaking and listening. While playing the games vocabulary is reinforced by naming the tool / object when placing a card on the table. If vocabulary building resources are required for other occupations, please let me know. Feedback is important to me so that I am able to produce the most helpful resources.
Sentence Word Order for EAL / ESL / ELL

Sentence Word Order for EAL / ESL / ELL

Are your students needing to improve their English word order? These worksheets and the suggested follow up activity will help with both written and spoken sentence construction. The 17 worksheets provide illustrations with words provided, in a jumbled order, for making sentences to describe the pictures. Students have the opportunity to rearrange the words and write a sentence describing what is happening in each picture. An additional benefit to completing this task, is that English vocabulary can also be increased because of the use of the visuals depicting the activities to be described. There are 68 sentences to be completed and an optional front cover for use if the worksheets are to be made into booklets. Star Wars characters have been added to make the worksheets more appealing. A sheet for recording students’ completion of the sheets is included. Answer sheets are also provided, giving the option for peer correction. There are verb reference pages at the beginning ( in colour) for use if vocabulary is unknown. All worksheets are in black only, so printing costs are kept to a minimum. If access to photocopying facilities is limited or unavailable, the answers to the questions could be written in a note book, enabling the worksheets to be used over and over again with different students. When the worksheets are completed, a suggested follow up activity could be one student miming a selected action from the illustrations in the worksheets. The other students then try to guess what the student is doing. Depending on the levels of language acquisition, students can use the models of the ordered sentences to express verbally in a sentence what is being mimed, or just provide a one word answer. The student providing the correct answer then gets a chance to choose a different activity and mime to the class. This is usually a fun activity enjoyed by all.